Why this newsletter?

I began writing this newsletter in 2018 because I wanted to share poetry, respite, glimpses of joy along this non-linear path of healing. It is a space to share poetry that moved me, excerpts from my reading and to talk about my healing journey. After a break in the pandemic, I restarted my newsletter here, in a different form. But still to share things I am thinking of and trying to work through. It is a work in progress, just like me. On most days I am asking the question: Can we fall apart together?

In order to explain why I began writing this, I want to share this quote by Mary Oliver: “And this is what I learned: that the world’s otherness is antidote to confusion, that standing within this otherness -- the beauty and mystery of the world, out in the fields or deep inside books -- can re-dignify the worst-stung heart.” - Mary Oliver, in “Staying Alive,” from Upstream

Would love to have you here, so do write in if something resonates, or doesn’t! <3

Who am I?

I am mostly a feminist educator working in the space of sexuality, disability and technology. I often joke that it is hard for me to call myself a writer but I do love to write. I am slowly trying to accept the joys of writing and sharing it with the world.

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Walking the non-linear path of healing


Somewhere out there chasing a cat; finding myself in words; can we fall apart together? Part-time anxious, full time nauseous.